Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Small Blessings are Everywhere

We have been doing something new for our family...Scripture Study.  Don't get me wrong we have done it before, but more like were just reading them, not actually studying them.  So we have been using both the picture book scriptures & the actual Book of Mormon.  It was a struggle & I didn't feel the spirit as often as I had hoped.  Kaylie was stuggling to stay focused & I was frustrated.  So I did some research..if you can count Pinterest as research...haha!  And ALOT of praying!!

I found scripture journaling!!  She LOVED it!!!  We wrote down what we knew about him, one of our favorite scriptures, and what we could do to be more like him.  We are going to add pictures and designs to make them our own & add them to a binder.  I found suggestions from maps to other talks by the General Authorities to make scriptures make sense to us & how to use them in our lives.  If you need a template check out www.theredheadedhostess.com   She has some great ways to break down the scriptures and learn verse by verse!
I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows what we need & how to get it.  I feel truly blessed to be a member of his church and that I am teaching my daughter to follow Jesus Christ & how to feel the Holy Ghost!  I'm truly grateful for small blessing in every day life!
If anyone is looking for a new way to study the scriptures, try this!  Its awesome!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Kaylie's 11th Birthday Party

This year for her birthday Kaylie wanted a pool party with her friends.  So we went to the South Jordan Rec Ctr and celebrated!!

Kaylie loves dancing, raspberry sherbet, the color purple and rainbow looming.  She loves going to school, working on her solo and being with her friends.  Her favorite tv shows are Austin & Ally, Liv & Maddy and Once Upon A Time.

These girls were so much fun to be with.  They all played together in the pool & out.  Its so fun to see them growing and becoming fabulous young ladies.  And a little silly!  Swimming, four corners, ice cream cake & lots of laughs!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Being a True Friend

For Activity Days this week we talked about the importance of being a good friend.  I wrapped 2 gifts, one wrapped nicely with a bow & the other in ripped newspaper and tied with twine.  In the nicely wrapped gift I filled it with rocks and in the shabby one I put bags of M & M's.  I asked the girls which one they would prefer to get for their birthdays.  Most of them chose the nice gift.  When we opened them they were suprised with the contents of the gifts.  I related it to how some people may not be as nice looking on the outside, but that isn't whats importance.  Its what on the inside that counts.  Some people who are well taken care of on the outside aren't so nice on the inside.  We discussed ways to be a good friend and that Heavenly Father has commanded us to Love One Another!  Bet you can't guess what the opening song was!

Then we had each girl stand at the chalkboard.  I wrote her name on the board and had each girl write something they admired or liked about that girl.  The girls loved it...both to share something nice for someone else & to see what the other girls had written about them.  We talked about the importance of strengthening each other and helping each other.
Then we ate the M & M's!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Something Sweet from my Girl

In Throwback Thursday fashion, I found this picture of a 4 yr old Kaylie.  We were snowshoeing with the family.  We went off of the trail and got a little lost.  We followed Grandma until we could find the trail.  There was alot of uphill climbing & tossing Kaylie ahead of us to get to the trail again.  From there on all we heard whenever we would snowshoe was " Don't go off the trail Grandma."  Hopefully a good lesson for this litte one to show her that eventhough you can go off the trail, its not very easy to get your way back to the trail.  The safety provided by the trail is like the gospel of Jesus Christ and  is comforting and a sure way to get to the end of our journey, our Heavenly home.  The good news is that eventhough you go off the trail you can always get back if you work hard bcecause Jesus has provided a way back!  I'm grateful for the lessons taught in every day life and for the joy of a wonderful family who supports me no matter what!  Let us all try to remember to not go off the trail!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Begin Again.....

Time has a way of passing by so quickly.  Perspectives change and distractions seem to take over.  Over the past few years my life has been a series of ups and downs like most people.  Only recently have I rediscovered who I want to be & what I want my life to be like.  My daughter and I have an amazing life, wonderful family & friends and a brilliant future ahead.  I have recently been blessed with an worthwhile opportunity at a new career and know that Heavenly Father's hand has placed me in this place.  Not only has he given me an incredible career path, but he has surrounded me with people who have inspired me.  Having quality people in my life has opened my eyes and reminded me of what is important!  I am full of life & excited about our future!  It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  I have a lot of ground to cover!  We looked back at this blog as a family and found how much we enjoyed looking at the things we have done over the years.  Its time to Begin Again.....

May 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Activity Days, Halloween Style!


We made these cute "pumpkins" as part of our activity.  We talked about the importance of serving those around us.  We had the girls think of someone they would like to serve or do something nice for.  They put these together & put a ghost tag on them telling what nice deed they would do for that person and why they were special to the girls.  It was fun to hear all of the people who influence their lives and how excited they were to serve those people!
If you are wanting to make these, they are super easy!  First take some construction paper and crinkle it, make it pliable & then roll it up & fold it over.  Stick it in the center of the toiletpaper roll.  Wrap the square of fabric around the roll & tuck it in the middle of the roll.  Then tie a couple pieces of tule around it.  Cute & fun gifts for the girls to give!