Monday, July 6, 2015

Engagement Pictures

After all the planning of outfits and praying that the rain would quit all day, its time to get our engagement and first family photos done!  I tried to get the input of the whole family on the color scheme.  Aqua and Navy blue were the winners!!  I think that is a bit funny though as our wedding colors are cream and coral, but I wanted to include the kids and let them have some decisions to make with this new adventure!

My cousin did our photos.  She is a photographer, JW Photograpy is the name of her business.  She took us to a place in Bluffdale.  It was the perfect location.  The weather was great and I think the pictures are amazing!  Can't wait to choose one for our announcement and another to display in our new home!!  Take a look.....

Picture Perfect!  Love this crazy family of mine!!
