Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just Playin' Around

Kaylie was playing around with a tutu she got for her birthday & some tule left over from her costume & thought it would be fun to make a new hat out of it.....I had to take her picture!!!

The Christmas Carol Preview....

Every year during the holidays, Mass Mutual treats their employees & their families to a movie night with a premier of a new movie...this year it was the new "The Christmas Carol." So Grandma Brierley, Kaylie, Emily, Bailey, Luke and I went to the show together. While we were waiting for the show to begin, we had the kids pose with their 3D glasses on....Emily told them to pose like Rock this was how they looked.....

Kaylie & Bailey


The movie great, the family & friends were better and the time we all spent together was the best! We love hanging out with Grandma and with the Taylors!!!!

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween.....This year was Kaylie's first year in elementary school. They have a parade for all of the kids dressed up in their Trick or Treat attire. Kaylie was a Princess this year...I know, what a surprise, but a cute one at that. Grandma Brierley made her costume & she absolutely LOVES it!! She cascaded across the shiny ballroom ( I mean gym) floor, waving as she walked by and smiling to all her adoring fans......or at least anyone who would wave or smile back! It was spectacular. There were so many wonderful was quite the parade!!

Kaylie & Mommy after the parade

Kaylie posing for a pic while waiting to return to kindergarten

Kaylie & Josyah....she LOVES this fact, when she grows up...she is going to marry him!! He is a darling little boy. He is in my primary class & he keeps things lively!

Heather...aka Slick Foot Stella, Eric...aka Modern Day Al Capone, and Nancy...aka Street Gansta!! We had lots of fun dressing up at work and the Pumpkin Cheesecake!!!!!

Grandma & Grandpa's 60th Wedding Anniversary

This year was the 60th wedding anniversary for my grandparents, Dale & Lois Howells. We spent it celebrating with our family & some of their friends at Golden Corral...Grandpa's favorite!!! It was fun sharing their happy days & memories together. They are amazing people and do so much to help other people. They continue their active lives despite being 84. We are so lucky to be blessed with them in our lives for so long!!

Grandpa and "the other" Dale

Grandma Howells

Janice and Valene

Meghan, Jamie and Stacie
Thanks to all who attended. We love you Grandma & Grandpa!!!!

Halloween at ORS 2009

This year at work we decided to draw names and decorate each other's cubicles. It was lots of fun and helped bring the spirit of Halloween into our department!!! Take a look.....


Kaylie's 6th Birthday Party

This year for her 6th birthday, Kaylie wanted to have a Princess Party. The grand event was held on Oct 3rd. Our garage was transformed into a ballroom for the event to take place. Some of these pictures don't do it justice....there are other pics on my sister's camera that I will have to post later!! We decorated crowns, polished fingernails, ate lunch, frosted cookies since Kaylie didn't want cake & of course played games. It was a fun time for all....

Aunt Stacie polishing nails...the girls loved that!! And Julie is helping the kids make crowns.

Here we are playing the Princess and the Pea game. Kaylie loves the story & had me read it to them while they were eating. Then we played the game. We had 3 chairs with cushions on them. We put a golf ball under the cushion & had the kids sit on the chair & see if they could figure out which one had the "pea" in it. It was alot of fun. We also played pin the crown on the frog. This one wasn't too fun...all of the kids were worried about not putting the crown on the frog....too much pressure & a few tears....including the birthday girl!! Oh well......

Here they are frosting their crown cookies......they had so much fun!!!

Here was the last game...."The King's Loot" We hid the gift bags in the back yard and had them all find one. They had all sorts of chocolate coins, glow wands or swords, character facial towels, hair clips for the girls & tatoos for the boys.

Khalil, Marcus, Daisy, Kaylie, Breena & Colby...and Parker came too!!! Thanks to all of our Prince & Princesses who made our party grand.

Happy 6th Birthday

September 30, 2009
Happy Birthday to my favorite little girl in the world. Kaylie is now officially 6. As always, I count my many blessings every day that we was sent to our family. She is learning academicly, socially as well as mentally and spiritually. She amazes me constantly with the things she is able to understand and do. This year like the 2 previous, have been years of growth and change for us both. She has adjusted so well to the changes and is a wealth of joy. She has started Elementary school and dance this year and I am excited to see how she grows with these new beginnings. This year for her birthday, she wanted for her dad and mom and herself to go have dinner at the Mayan. Soooo...that is what we did. She wanted whatever I was having for dinner so we had cheese enchiladas, rice and beans. For dessert she had chocolate cake that had a HUGE firecracker in it for the candle. That was cool. She got many things for her birthday and had a day full of fun....she was even the spotlighted child in her Kindergarten class and she took cookies....M&M & Chocolate her class to celebrate.

Kaylie & Mommy at the Mayan
Daddy & Kaylie


This is the perfect picture to end this blog with. This shows Kaylie's true happiness and zest for life. She is a happy child that loves to be surrounded by her friends and family. She is smart, beautiful and full of love.

Kaylie Lost her 4th Tooth

On September 25, 2009 Kaylie lost her 4th tooth. She was a school and pulled it out. They gave her a little plastic tooth to keep it in. On the way home from school she dropped it & it fell in the grassy field. We looked & searched all over and then Kaylie found it. She put it safely in her pocket until we got home and she put it under her pillow. She got a dollar bill and a gold dollar too. She was soooo excited. She tried so hard to stay awake and catch the Tooth Fairy, but " my eyes were toooo tired and I fell asleep."

I love you Kaylie!!

Daisy's 6th Birthday

Kaylie has met some fun, new friends this year. She was invited to a birthday party for her friend Daisy at Jumpin Jacks. They had so much fun running & jumping down the slides. The picture below is of them after they had both gotten burns from falling down the slide. Good thing they were right back up & did it again!

Posing for the picture....Cute girls!!

Kaylie had such a fun time....glad for good friends & fun!!!! Happy Birthday Daisy!

Little Dancer

Kaylie has started taking dance this year. She is trying tap and ballet. She is really excited and looks forward to class every week. They are learning their dance for their Christmas performance at the Festival of Trees. I hope she will dance when she figures out that she will be on a stage with LOTS of people watching her. She is so shy!!! At least she is trying something new!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kaylie's 1st day of Kindergarten

Today was Kaylie's very first day of Kindergarten. She woke up & didn't eat a thing except a little bit of her banana!! She was just too excited. We put her hair in spongey curlers as she requested and picked out her clothes the night before. We walked down the path to school (the same path mommy used to walk down to the same elementary school) and she could hardly wait to get there. She heard the bell from the middle school and said "Mom, we have to run. There is the bell and we are going to be late." She ran ahead of me for a moment until I could explain that was for the other school! She was soo funny. When we got to the door she just marched right kiss, no "I will miss you" or "see you later"....just fearless.

When I picked her up in the afternoon she was so happy and had such a nice day. She had a hard time picking out her favorite part of the day. She liked the gingerbread cookies they ate, sharing her gingerbread girl that we made from paper to her class (her teacher was impressed that she added perfume to it), playing on the playground, singing songs...everything about the day was wonderful to her. She can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!!! Ohhhh...and she has informed me that she would like to walk to & from school every day!!

Kaylie's 1st Trip to the dentist

July 27, 2009
Kaylie made her first trip to the dentist! She did so well...she let them clean her teeth, floss them, take xrays & Dr. Curtis did an examination....bad news is that she had 5 cavities....soooo since she wouldn't let Dr. Curtis fill them we had to see Dr. Jason so he could sedate her & then fix her teeth! Now they are all better!!
Getting her teeth cleaned & flouride while watching SpongeBob & wearing some stylish glasses to keep the light out of her eyes!

Great Job Kaylie!!!!

Grandma's Birthday

July 14, 2009
For Grandma's birthday we treated her to Leatherby's! We couldn't pass up the chance to celebrate our Grandma!! Or the ice cream!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

Aunt Stacie, Grandma & Kaylie...Mommy is taking the picture!

July 4th, 2009

Here we are the West Jordan Parade. This is our tradition!! Kaylie LOVES this parade. She likes the horses & the bands & the cheerleaders, but most of all she likes the royalty. All the pretty girls in their pretty dresses...she wants to be one of them someday!

So Patriotic!! Happy 4th of July!!

Murray City Royalty

Mommy, Kaylie & Grandma
Even the witches for Gardner Village showed up! We love to see them every Halloween!!

Kaylie catching candy and otter pops....her FAV!!!!

Mommy & Kaylie's Best Day of Fun Again!

July 2, 2009
Kaylie & I enjoyed another fun day at the zoo. She loves the animals and loved to see the baby giraffe. It was a nice day & not too hot...just right for seeing the animals! It did rain at the end of our visit & we barely made it back into the car before it started to down pour! The streets were flooded by the time we got to Foothill Blvd and Kaylie kept asking if we would be safe in the car with all of the lightening overhead! We made it home safe & sound.....and dry of course!!

Kaylie laying with the lions!!

Dolphin ride on the Carousel...we couldn't miss this ride!! We didn't get to ride on the train though cause it started raining before we could get to it!

Mommy & Kaylie...another best day of fun!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cara's Graduation

On June 5, 2009 our sister Cara, graduated from Cyprus High School. Her graduation was held at The Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City. We ate at Macaroni Grill downtown and then attended the ceremony!! Congrats Cara!!

Stacie, Cara & Heather

Kaylie's Graduation 2009

May 28, 2009
Kaylie graduated from her Kindergarten class at her daycare. There are so many emotions that you feel as a parent watching your child move on to the next phase of their lives. I cannot begin to express the great joy and excite that came on this day. I am so proud of the accomplishments she has had this year. She has learned so much and has grown into a wonderful little person. I am amazed at her ability to learn and grow and adapt to the things around her. This had been a great acheivement for her. She was so excited to graduate and now be going to "big kid school" as she likes to call it. She has learned numbers, months of the year, days of the week, letter sounds and is now beginning to blend them together to make words. She has really excelled this year and I am so proud of her.
Kaylie & her friend Natalie

During their ceremony, they sang some cute songs and received a diploma. Next up for Kaylie is some testing at the Elementary school to see if she is ready for 1st grade or if she will need to attend all day Kindergarten.

Congrats Kaylie! You did it!!!!!!!

Taylor Swift Concert...5/26/2009

This was Kaylie's FIRST CONCERT EVER!!! She was so excited to see Taylor Swift! She loves her music & wanted to attend this concert. Her favorite song is ...."Romeo & Juliet" as Kaylie likes to call it, but the real title is "Love Story." We ate tacos and were off to the show!

"Miss Sassy"....she loves to pose! Now its with a bit of attitude!

This was the opening act...Gloriana...we LOVED them...great music & energy!

Kaylie & Heather

Taylor.....she has so much energy & is so fun on stage. What a great role model for all these little girles. She did a wonderful job!!

Grandma, Kaylie & Aunt Stacie

This was such a fun concert....a little toooooo long for Kaylie though. She told me that she doesn't want to go to another concert until she is a little bit know like 5 more years! She got a glow stick that bought us some time, but when it was all said & done we had a fun time together. What a great first concert memory!! These firsts are amazing & I love all of them that I get to share with her. They will never happen again & it is so special to have them together! I love you Kaylie!!!!!