Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kaylie's 1st day of Kindergarten

Today was Kaylie's very first day of Kindergarten. She woke up & didn't eat a thing except a little bit of her banana!! She was just too excited. We put her hair in spongey curlers as she requested and picked out her clothes the night before. We walked down the path to school (the same path mommy used to walk down to the same elementary school) and she could hardly wait to get there. She heard the bell from the middle school and said "Mom, we have to run. There is the bell and we are going to be late." She ran ahead of me for a moment until I could explain that was for the other school! She was soo funny. When we got to the door she just marched right kiss, no "I will miss you" or "see you later"....just fearless.

When I picked her up in the afternoon she was so happy and had such a nice day. She had a hard time picking out her favorite part of the day. She liked the gingerbread cookies they ate, sharing her gingerbread girl that we made from paper to her class (her teacher was impressed that she added perfume to it), playing on the playground, singing songs...everything about the day was wonderful to her. She can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!!! Ohhhh...and she has informed me that she would like to walk to & from school every day!!

Kaylie's 1st Trip to the dentist

July 27, 2009
Kaylie made her first trip to the dentist! She did so well...she let them clean her teeth, floss them, take xrays & Dr. Curtis did an examination....bad news is that she had 5 cavities....soooo since she wouldn't let Dr. Curtis fill them we had to see Dr. Jason so he could sedate her & then fix her teeth! Now they are all better!!
Getting her teeth cleaned & flouride while watching SpongeBob & wearing some stylish glasses to keep the light out of her eyes!

Great Job Kaylie!!!!

Grandma's Birthday

July 14, 2009
For Grandma's birthday we treated her to Leatherby's! We couldn't pass up the chance to celebrate our Grandma!! Or the ice cream!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

Aunt Stacie, Grandma & Kaylie...Mommy is taking the picture!

July 4th, 2009

Here we are the West Jordan Parade. This is our tradition!! Kaylie LOVES this parade. She likes the horses & the bands & the cheerleaders, but most of all she likes the royalty. All the pretty girls in their pretty dresses...she wants to be one of them someday!

So Patriotic!! Happy 4th of July!!

Murray City Royalty

Mommy, Kaylie & Grandma
Even the witches for Gardner Village showed up! We love to see them every Halloween!!

Kaylie catching candy and otter pops....her FAV!!!!

Mommy & Kaylie's Best Day of Fun Again!

July 2, 2009
Kaylie & I enjoyed another fun day at the zoo. She loves the animals and loved to see the baby giraffe. It was a nice day & not too hot...just right for seeing the animals! It did rain at the end of our visit & we barely made it back into the car before it started to down pour! The streets were flooded by the time we got to Foothill Blvd and Kaylie kept asking if we would be safe in the car with all of the lightening overhead! We made it home safe & sound.....and dry of course!!

Kaylie laying with the lions!!

Dolphin ride on the Carousel...we couldn't miss this ride!! We didn't get to ride on the train though cause it started raining before we could get to it!

Mommy & Kaylie...another best day of fun!!!!