Friday, March 17, 2017

The Leprechauns came to visit

St. Patrick's Day came with some fun surprises!  Those silly Leprechauns moved our furniture around, sprinkled Leprechaun dust and left their footprints on our seats, BUT they also left us some yummy treats!!!!  Chocolate, Lucky Charms and some Leprechaun Floats!

For dinner we ate in green food style..sandwiches on GREEN rolls, GREEN grapes, KIWI, GREEN Caesar salad and Shamrock Shakes from McDonalds!  Fun night celebrating together as a family. 

I sure enjoy the time we spend around the dinner table sharing our experiences of the day, laughing and being together over a good meal.  I find that some of our best conversations are had here.  I hope our children will treasure this time we get to spend together...if not now, maybe they will appreciate it later when they are grown and have children themselves....after all, "The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table."

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