Friday, November 7, 2008

Tagged for the Very First Time

I had no idea what tagging was till Emily tagged me.....she had to explain it!! Here it goes!!

8 Favorite TV Shows

Jazz games..hope those count cause I never miss one!
Friends...reruns count, right??
Anything Food Network..eventhough I don't cook that often
Amazing Race
The new 90210
John & Kate plus 8
Brothers & Sisters
Tori & Dean..on Oxygen...this is my gulity pleasure!!

8 Favorite Restuarants

PF Chang's..the only Chinese Food I will eat!!
Ruth's Diner
Joe Morley's...ribs anyone??
Salsa Leedos
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
The Paris Buffet in Las Vegas...I know a buffet???, but they seriously have some good food!

8 Things that Happened Yesterday

Went to work
Took Kaylie to school
Helped Kaylie do her first ever book report...the book...How to love a Horse!! She did great.
Fell asleep watching Island Princess with Kaylie
Watched the beautiful sun rise
Listened to Christmas music...Thanks Aprille!!
Played with Kaylie & listened to her magical laugh!
Thanked Heavenly Father for my blessed life!

8 Things I look Forward to

Raising a healthy, happy little girl
Finding the love of my life
Going to the temple
Spending time with my friends & family
Hot showers!!!
Every tomorrow I am given

8 Things I Love about Fall

Crisp mornings
Changing colors of the leaves
Fires in our fireplace
Cooler temperatures
The first snowfall
Apple cider & caramel apples
The season of Thankfulness

8 Things on My Wish List

For Kaylie to know she is the most important thing in my & always
A new car
World Peace
Travel to London, Ireland, Austrailia, New York....I think you get the picture
Spend more time with Kaylie doing things that we want to instead of what we have to
For my friend & family to know how much I love them & how grateful I am to have them!!!!
Mr. Wonderful...the man of my dreams, does he really exists??

8 People I am Tagging:

I don't know that many people with a blog spot so....Stacie, Kari, Carl, Terri & Chris

1 comment:

Emily said...

Well done! I loved all your answers. We had fun today at the show, thaks for meeting us there. You are such a great friend and I am blessed to have you in my life. Love you girl!