Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Every morning on the way to work I listen to a talk given by speakers from my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Mormons as most know us by.  It's a way for me to hear inspired words to uplift me and give me something positive to focus on for the day.  I feel like it brings me closer to God and helps me to remember things that are important for me to grow as a person.

Today I listened to a talk by John H. Groberg from the October 1976 General Conference.  (Here is the link in case you'd like to listen or read it,  He recalls an experience he had while in the South Pacific and the prompting he got from God to get a young man, a missionary for our church, to the main island because he was sick and need medical attention.  However, there was a storm raging and in order to get him to the hospital they would have to go by boat.  There was only a small opening in the reef, which they needed to pass through and a small light that lit the narrow passage to get them to the island where the hospital was.  They were afraid they might not be able to see it.  The storm was gaining power and the conditions were worsening, but he knew he needed to get the young man to the hospital, so they went.  He talks about the brave captain who despite all of the adversity he was being challenged with, stayed calm and focused on the reef to find the light and get them safely through the reef.

It reminded me of our daily lives.  There are challenges we never expected to encounter, but if we stay fixed on Jesus Christ.  If we are kind, charitable, and loving, if we ask for help and try our best to do what is right, we too will be able to see the small, yet beautiful light.  May we all strive to share our love with others and come ever so close to being a light in places of darkness.

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