Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Being a True Friend

For Activity Days this week we talked about the importance of being a good friend.  I wrapped 2 gifts, one wrapped nicely with a bow & the other in ripped newspaper and tied with twine.  In the nicely wrapped gift I filled it with rocks and in the shabby one I put bags of M & M's.  I asked the girls which one they would prefer to get for their birthdays.  Most of them chose the nice gift.  When we opened them they were suprised with the contents of the gifts.  I related it to how some people may not be as nice looking on the outside, but that isn't whats importance.  Its what on the inside that counts.  Some people who are well taken care of on the outside aren't so nice on the inside.  We discussed ways to be a good friend and that Heavenly Father has commanded us to Love One Another!  Bet you can't guess what the opening song was!

Then we had each girl stand at the chalkboard.  I wrote her name on the board and had each girl write something they admired or liked about that girl.  The girls loved it...both to share something nice for someone else & to see what the other girls had written about them.  We talked about the importance of strengthening each other and helping each other.
Then we ate the M & M's!

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